Installing R and RStudio

This course will require the following software:

  1. R. The programming language and interpreter that actually runs the code
  2. RStudio. An IDE, i.e. a nice interface that makes working with R much easier.
  3. Some tools to build R packages from source since we may be installing some bleeding edge packages.
  4. LaTeX (optional). Needed to compile PDFs from R Markdown

Installing R

The R website is … special. Since you probably don’t know or care what a mirror is, here are links to the

  • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install r-base-dev (in order to be able to install other packages from source).

Installing RStudio

You want to download the RStudio Desktop version. Download it from

Installing Tools to Build R Packages from Scratch

Mature R packages are distributed over CRAN and installable in R using install.packages without any other assistance. However, we may use some bleeding-edge R packages that require the packages to be built from source and installed using the devtools package. This requires some extra tools (unless you are using Linux, which is why you should be using Linux).

  • Windows: Install the newest version of Rtools*.exe from
  • Mac: Install Xcode from the Mac App Store.
  • Ubuntu: The tools to build packages from source should have been installed with r-base-dev.

Or follow the instructions here.

Installing LaTeX

LaTeX is needed to create PDFs from R Markdown files. Follow the instructions below: