POLS/CS&SS 503: Advanced Quantitative Political Methodology

University of Washington, Spring 2017

Instructor: Jeffrey Arnold

TA: Daniel Yoo





Class M,W 5:00–6:20 pm SAV 117
Lab F 1:30–3:20 pm SAV 117

Office Hours

Jeff Arnold M 11:00am-1:00pm SMI 221B
Daniel Yoo F 3:30-4:20pm SMI 220

Instructions for Jeff’s office hours:

  1. Sign up for a 30-minute slot using the Google Calendar appointments link emailed to the class.

  2. Email me 24 hours prior to your appointment with what you would like to discuss.

These instructions will ensure that our time is efficiently spent and I can be of the most help to you.


In this course we will be using Slack for online class discussion. You will not be required to post, but the system is designed to get you help quickly and efficiently from classmates, and the instructors. Rather than emailing questions to the instructors, post your questions to https://uwpolsmethods.slack.com/. You should have received an invitation to join this team, if not contact us to receive an invite.


The primary texts for this course are:

Additional readings are on the schedule.


For computation, this course will rely upon R: a language for statistical computing.

I expect that students will already be familiar with R, so class time will not be spent introducing it. In particular, I expect students to be familiar with the material in R for Data Science. This covers the tidyverse packages used in data wrangling: ggplot, dplyr, tidyr, purrr, readr, haven, stringr, and forcats.

Though not necessary, you are encouraged to use RStudio Desktop integrated development environment (IDE) for R.

Bugs or Questions

If you find any problems in the syllabus or anthing else on this site either open an issue or fix the source and open a pull request.

Rough Schedule of Topics

Creative Commons License
POLS/CS&SS 503: Advanced Quantitative Political Methodology, University of Washington, Spring 2017, by Jeffrey Arnold is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.